太空港 遊戲開始 第二位出演嘉賓公開|SPACEPORT Game On Lineup Announcement – SPACEPORT

太空港 遊戲開始 第二位出演嘉賓公開|SPACEPORT Game On Lineup Announcement

good evening traveler_


JUSTHIS 在亮相於大眾前即有 underground king 的美譽,以其緊湊的饒舌技巧、絕妙的flow和直白大膽的歌詞而聞名,以韓饒選秀節目《Show Me The Money 9&11》幫唱及製作人身份曝光,受大眾封為當今韓饒技巧第一人!節目中參與演唱的歌曲《VVS》獲得 2021年韓國嘻哈獎年度嘻哈歌曲。

以強悍爆發力的演唱實力,打造諸多經典作品。2020 年個人饒舌串燒的「DF Killing Verse」,站在沒有主持人、舞群、華麗裝飾的舞台裡,透過玩弄節奏和音量的高超技巧,以及歌詞裡傳達的情緒,創下系列頂級點閱率的封神成績,也證實了 JUSTHIS 穩健能耐,是一位值得稱為「表演藝術家」的嘻哈歌手。



JUSTHIS, who is known for his tight rapping, sensational flow, and bold, straightforward lyrics, was already recognized as an underground king before he appeared in public. He gained even more attention after he was a featured artist and producer on the Korean rap competition show “Show Me The Money 9&11” where he was hailed by the public as the top rapper in Korea for his exceptional skills. The song “VVS” that he participated in on the show won the KOREAN HIPHOP AWARDS 2021 for Best Hip Hop Song of the Year.

With powerful and explosive singing skills, he has created many classic works. In 2020, his solo rap medley “DF Killing Verse” broke records in terms of views, even without a host, dance group, or fancy decorations on stage. Through his exceptional skills in playing with rhythm and volume, as well as the emotions conveyed in his lyrics, JUSTHIS proved his solid talent and became a rap artist worthy of being called a “performing artist”.


#綠能演唱會 #用音樂與藝術為地球充電 #環保 #碳中和 #淨零排碳 #永續發展 #SDGS #ESG #太空港 #碳中和音樂節 #ecoliving #ecofriendly #zerowaste #sustainability #netzero #TaipeiFestival #TaipeiEvents #liveintaipei #kpop #hiphop #Pop #EDM #JUSTHIS #許升