太空港 遊戲開始 第三位出演嘉賓公開|SPACEPORT Game On Lineup Announcement – SPACEPORT

太空港 遊戲開始 第三位出演嘉賓公開|SPACEPORT Game On Lineup Announcement

good evening traveler_


擁有頹廢性感的嗓音和獨特的小金牙,是SIK-K的最大特色。在《Show Me The Money》中,他以言詞犀利的饒舌風格,加上能唱能跳的出色表現,展現出無法抵擋的魅力,廣受大眾好評!其作品風格也相當多元,從 Trap 到迷幻、抒情⋯各種元素他都能完美駕馭,不斷帶給歌迷多方樣貌的他,可以說是個全方位的音樂創作者!

除了在自己的作品中表現亮眼外,被大眾稱「嘻哈打工仔」的 SIK-K,也經常在其他音樂人作品中能看到其身影,除了饒舌歌手 Jay Park ,製作人 GroovyRoom、Woogie 等人,在嘻哈圈外也是許多知名偶像韶宥、輝人、RAVI 等人邀約合作的對象,完全稱的上是 Feature 界的達人!


SIK-K is recognized for his distinctive and alluring voice, as well as his unique gold tooth. His rap skills combined with his ability to perform, made him a popular contestant on “Show Me The Money”. He is a versatile music creator, skilled in various genres such as trap, psychedelic, and sentimental.

In addition to his solo work, SIK-K is frequently featured in the works of other artists. He has collaborated with rapper Jay Park, producers GroovyRoom and Woogie, as well as popular idols such as Soyou, Whee In, and RAVI, showcasing his versatility as a featured master.


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