太空港 遊戲開始 最後出演嘉賓公開|SPACEPORT Game On Lineup Announcement – SPACEPORT

太空港 遊戲開始 最後出演嘉賓公開|SPACEPORT Game On Lineup Announcement

good evening traveler_

兼具實力和外貌的 R&B 寶石歌手—Gemini

韓國頂級製作雙人組 GroovyRoom 在 2021 年成立新廠牌「AREA」,Gemini 為旗下首個藝人,隨後立即與 Jay Park 發行了正式出道單曲《Trip》,當時被 Jay Park 譽為韓國歌壇能夠承繼 Zion.T、DEAN、Crush 等人的 R&B 男歌手!

2021 年發行首張迷你專輯《Inside Out》,許多知名饒舌歌手 pH-1、Kid Milli 等人參與配唱,R&B 和 Hip Hop 的重磅合作除了帶給歌迷音樂盛宴外,也讓他在樂壇中逐漸打開知名度,成為新生代備受矚目的寶藏歌手!


In 2021, top Korean producers GroovyRoom established a new label called “AREA”, with Gemini being their first artist. They immediately released their debut single “Trip” featuring Jay Park, who praised Gemini as an R&B male singer capable of inheriting the legacy of Zion.T, DEAN, Crush and others in the Korean music industry.

In the same year, Gemini released their first mini album “Inside Out”, featuring collaborations with well-known rap artists such as pH-1 and Kid Milli. The heavyweight collaboration between R&B and Hip Hop not only brought fantastic works to fans but also gradually increased his popularity, making him a highly anticipated newcomer in the music industry!


#綠能演唱會 #用音樂與藝術為地球充電 #環保 #碳中和 #淨零排碳 #永續發展 #SDGS #ESG #太空港 #碳中和音樂節 #ecoliving #ecofriendly #zerowaste #sustainability #netzero #TaipeiFestival #TaipeiEvents #liveintaipei #kpop #hiphop #Pop #EDM #Gemini