2025 SPACEPORT 太空港音樂藝術嘉年華 – SPACEPORT
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2025 SPACEPORT 太空港音樂藝術嘉年華


good evening traveler_

⚠️你有最新的SPACEPORT 3.0版本可下載⚠️



lineup announcement first release on SPACEPORT’s official Instagram 
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目前陣容解鎖進度 ➤➤➤ 35%  敬請密切關注官方公告

LINEUP UNLOCK PROGRESS  ➤➤➤ 35%. Stay tuned.



2/12 17:00 早鳥票 全面開賣!

Feb 12th 17:00 Early Bird tickets go on sale!


🌐 經濟艙 🌐 


預購環保太空杯可獲得酒水兌換券*2張,於現場取貨時跟工作人員領取。若選擇郵寄先提領,請加官方LINE客服(搜尋 @SPACEPORT)提前領取電子兌換券,但仍須攜帶太空杯至現場才能免杯子租金喔!




🌐 商務艙 🌐 




  • 專用廁所
  • 行動電源/循環餐具/首次寄物免租金服務
  • 粉絲福利抽選資格(詳情請看粉絲福利抽選表)

🌐 頭等艙 🌐 




  • 可進入VIP lounge 防雨看台
  • VIP lounge內吧台提供免費餐點與酒水
  • 專用廁所
  • 頭等艙登機小禮
  • VIP Lounge內行動電源/循環餐具/寄物免租金服務
  • 粉絲福利抽選資格(詳情請看粉絲福利抽選表)

🌐 訂製SKYBOX包廂服務 🌐

✨請來信客服信箱 cs@spaceportcarnival.com,信件標題:日期 + SKYBOX預定 + 人數 (eg. 5/18 頭等艙包廂預定 10人) 或加官方LINE「@Spaceport」人工客服預定,數量非常有限,售完即止。

SKYBOX 包廂包含以下特權:

  • 專屬沙發休息區
  • 專人餐飲服務(有最低消費)
  • 頭等艙專用廁所
  • 行動電源/循環餐具/寄物免租金服務






✨ 本次活動以票券序號整隊入場,開始入場後序號失效,以現場排隊人次依序入場。

✨ 序號不相連的觀眾若想同時入場,序號前的觀眾可以跟序號後的人一起排隊。

✨ 主辦單位有權調整入場時間及整隊具體時間,請密切關注官方Instagram公告。

✨ 不同區域之間有實體圍欄阻隔,憑手環權限進出。

✨ 泳池區、野餐區、美食區、藝術裝置、品牌體驗區不分票種皆可自由進出。

✨ 購買雙人票的消費者會得到兩張票券,可分開入場。

✨ 預購周邊商品並選擇現場取貨者享9折優惠。

✨ 本活動不採用實名制,但驗票時仍須出示本人有效身分證件,未成年的traveler將獲得未成年手環。購買飲品時需出示手環,本活動依法不售賣酒精性飲品給未成年。

✨ 為保證大型群聚活動的安全,身上攜帶違禁品將禁止入場,場外設有收費寄物區,可於場外寄物後再排隊入場。違禁品列表請參考售票平台說明。


✨ 所有Travelers只要加購30元福利券皆可參加抽獎,頭等艙/商務艙還有現場體驗升級

✨ 抽選結果將於活動前15天公布

✨ 希望參與福利抽獎的travelers,請務必於5/1前購買票券及福利券

✨ 公布中獎名單後,您的訂單編號末五碼加票號九碼共14碼成為資格碼,可於KKTIX頁面0元加購您抽中的對應獎項兌換券(範例:XXX簽名專輯兌換券、XXX團體合影券)



  1. 福利抽選中獎名單活動前將於官方社群公布,福利兌換時請出示福利券及XXX福利兌換券,給到工作人員驗票後進行福利獎項值兌換。
  2. 上述兩張福利券的驗票為領取福利的必要條件,請一定要記得去機台取出實體票,否則將無法領取福利,視為自願放棄。



🌐 Economy Class 🌐

Access to the Economy Class Zone

Pre-order an eco-friendly space cup to receive 2 drink vouchers, which can be collected on-site when picking up your cup.

If you choose to redeem your cup via mail in advance, please add the official LINE customer service (search for @SPACEPORT) to receive your electronic vouchers beforehand. However, you must still bring your space cup to the event to waive the cup rental fee!

✨ Applicable for NT$30 Fan Benefit Voucher Purchase

Purchasing a NT$30 fan benefit voucher grants you entry into the fan benefit lottery.


🌐 Business Class 🌐

Access to the Business Class Rock Zone

✨ Eligible for a NT$30 welfare voucher upgrade

The Business Class Welfare Voucher includes the following privileges:

  • Dedicated restrooms
  • Portable power bank / Reusable utensils / Free first-time locker rental
  • Eligibility for fan benefit lottery (see Fan Benefit Lottery Chart for details)


🌐 First Class 🌐

Access to the First Class Rock Zone

✨ Eligible for a NT$30 welfare voucher upgrade

The First Class Welfare Voucher includes the following privileges:

  • Access to the VIP Lounge & Rainproof Grandstand
  • Complimentary food & drinks at the VIP Lounge bar
  • Dedicated restrooms
  •  Exclusive First Class welcome gift
  • Free rental services inside the VIP Lounge (portable power bank, reusable utensils, locker storage)
  • Eligibility for fan benefit lottery (see Fan Benefit Lottery Chart for details)


🌐 Customized SKYBOX Suite Service 🌐

To make a reservation, please email our customer service at cs@spaceportcarnival.com with the subject line: [Date] + SKYBOX Reservation + Number of Guests (e.g., 5/18 First Class SKYBOX Reservation for 10 People).Alternatively, you can contact our official LINE customer support (@Spaceport) for manual booking.Limited availability – reservations are first come, first served.


SKYBOX Suite Privileges:

  • Exclusive private lounge area with sofas
  • Personalized dining service (minimum spending required)
  • First Class exclusive restrooms
  • SKYBOX SVIP gift box
  • Free rental services (portable power bank, reusable utensils, locker storage)


🌐 Entry Guidelines 🌐

🚀 Boarding Time: 60 minutes before the event (Tentative: 13:00)

🚀 Queue Formation Time: 120 minutes before the event (Tentative: 12:00, adjustments may be made earlier based on ticket sales. Please follow official announcements closely.)

🚀 Final Entry Time: 30 minutes before the event ends (Tentative: 21:30)


Entry will be organized according to ticket serial numbers. Once entry begins, serial numbers will become invalid, and attendees will enter in order based on the physical queue.

✨ If attendees with different serial numbers wish to enter together, those with earlier serial numbers can queue with those who have later numbers.

✨ The organizer reserves the right to adjust entry times and queuing schedules. Please check the official Instagram for updates.

✨ Different zones are separated by physical barriers, and access is granted based on wristband permissions.

✨ All ticket types allow free access to the Pool Area, Picnic Area, Food Zone, Art Installations, and Brand Experience Zone.

✨ Purchasers of duo tickets will receive two separate tickets, allowing individual entry.

✨ Pre-ordering merchandise with on-site pickup grants a 10% discount.

✨ This event does not require real-name registration, but ticket holders must present a valid photo ID during verification. Minors will receive a special wristband, which must be shown when purchasing beverages. Alcohol will not be sold to minors in accordance with the law.

✨ To ensure the safety of large gatherings, attendees carrying prohibited items will be denied entry. A paid locker area is available outside the venue for storage before rejoining the queue. For the list of prohibited items, please refer to the ticketing platform.


🌐 Fan Perks Lottery Information 🌐

All Travelers who purchase a NT$30 Perks Ticket are eligible for the fan lottery.

✨ Lottery results will be announced 15 days before the event.

✨ To participate, please ensure you purchase the Perks Ticket before May 10.

✨ After winners are announced, your ticket number becomes a claim code. You may redeem a 0-cost exchange voucher for your prize on the KKTIX page (e.g., XXX Signed Album Voucher, XXX Group Photo Voucher).


  1. The add-on raffle prizes will be drawn according to the ticket’s serial number for that date’s artist benefit. For example, if you hold a May 17 ticket, you can only win benefits from the May 17 lineup. You cannot choose which artist’s reward you receive.
  2. The list of winners will be published on our official social media before the event. To redeem your benefit, present both the Benefit Ticket and the XXX Exchange Voucher to staff for validation.
  3. Physical tickets (including benefit vouchers) are required to claim the prize; please be sure to print them out from the ticket machine(family mart). Failure to provide them is considered a voluntary forfeit.







Energy revolution of the live music industry

World’s first 100% clean energy music festival



One ticket = One Tree Planted

Planting tree is the most effective & eco-friendly way to cool the temperature 



Termination of disposal tableware

Cleanest festival floor on Earth!



Recycle 1 million plastic bottles from the ocean

Merchandise are made by recycled plastic bottles

|We are #TeamGaia|

Let’s recharge the planet with art and music🤟





#TeamGaia is the creative and executive team behind Spaceport, offering a unique environmental perspective. We discard the clichéd “eco-preaching” and instead, through a progressive approach, allow the public to experience the implementation of ESG (Environmental, Social, and Governance) principles from the surface to the depths. Let’s make “environmentalism” a label that young people are proud to wear, making loving the Earth the coolest thing ever!

|SPACEPORT 3.0 品牌理念新定義|



賽博龐克很酷, 但充滿著冷酷、絕望的末日悲觀主義














過程中我們創造了一個100%乾淨能源的Clean City












| SPACEPORT 3.0: A New Brand Definition |

In the past, SPACEPORT’s visual style was cyberpunk—sci-fi, 

machinery, planets, nightscapes, and astronauts. 

While cyberpunk looks cool, it often carries a cold, dystopian pessimism. 

But our founding goal wasn’t to spread “end-of-the-world” negativity.

So we’ve redefined our brand’s aesthetic, 

giving birth to SPACEPORT 3.0. 

This time, our design concept is “coexistence of technology and the environment.” 

We believe that in the future, humanity will use innovation to live in harmony with Earth.

SPACEPORT advocates a positive art and thought movement. 

We oppose authority abuse, war, racism, sexism, consumerism, class division, and ideological conflicts. 

We support unity, kindness, respect, cultural diversity, human and animal rights, equality, peace, and sustainability. 

We envision an optimistic future society where we’ve overcome today’s environmental and social crises. 

We’ve created a 100% clean-energy “Clean City,” where people cooperate across borders and races in a fair, safe world. 

Skyscrapers host rooftop gardens, 

blending city and forest into one. 

AI-driven progress makes life abundant, 

reducing shortages and crime rates.

SPACEPORT 3.0 stands for hope, peace, beauty, and joy—

aiming for a clean, prosperous, and equitable future for all. 

Most people see it to believe, 

but #TeamGaia, we believe it to see.


節目名稱:2025 SPACEPORT 太空港音樂藝術節嘉年華 

演出日期:2024/05.17(六)、05.18 (日)




演出時間:14:00 – 22:00 (如有異動將於官方Instagram公告)


早鳥票啟售時間:2025/02/12 17:00 






Date:May 17th – May 18th , 2025

Location:Dajia Riverside Park.

Entry Time:13:00 (60 min before the show starts)

Queue Time:12:00 (120 min before entry time)

Door open(Check in):13:00

Show time:14:00 – 22:00 

Age Restriction:All ages.

Early bird ticket sales start: 2025/02/12 17:00

Ticket Purchase Channels: KKTIX

Organizer|Mercury Entertainment 、GAIA Entertainment


*Please beware of scalped tickets and make sure to purchase from the official ticketing platform to avoid being deceived.


5/17 早鳥經濟艙

NT$3,300Read more

5/17 早鳥商務艙

NT$4,900Read more

5/17 早鳥頭等艙

NT$6,600Read more

5/18 早鳥經濟艙

NT$3,300Read more

5/18 早鳥商務艙

NT$4,900Read more

5/18 早鳥頭等艙

NT$6,600Read more


NT$3Read more