專訪|GEMINI 公開夢想合作對象!新計畫即將發行!
Q: 是否是第一次來台灣?如果是,對台灣的印象如何?
Is this your first time visiting Taiwan? If so, what are your impressions of Taiwan?
A: 是的,這是我第一次來台灣。我喜歡嘗試不同國家的當地美食,牛肉麵是我最喜歡的。
Yes, it’s my first time. I enjoy trying the local food whenever I visit different countries. The beef noodles were my favorite.
Q: 能否分享您最初接觸音樂的過程?是什麼啟發您開始追求音樂事業?
Can you share your initial experience with music? What inspired you to pursue a career in music?
A: 我從小就夢想成為一名歌手,但隨著年齡的增長,這個夢想被遺忘了。直到我20多歲的時候,看到朋友在創作音樂時,內心重新湧現出對音樂的渴望,我開始重新追求這個夢想。
I dreamed of becoming an artist since I was young, but I had forgotten about this dream as I grew up. Then in my early 20s, I saw my friends making music. Something inside me resurfaced, and I think that’s when I started to pursue this dream again.
Q: 私底下最喜歡的音樂類型是什麼?有哪些音樂家或歌手對您的音樂風格產生影響?
What is your favorite music genre in your personal life? Which musicians or singers have influenced your music style?
A: 我不會限制自己只聽某一種特定的音樂類型,我的心情在選擇音樂方面起著重要作用。根據當天的心情,我可能會聽嘻哈或流行音樂。無論我快樂或是難過,都會根據當下的心情來選擇音樂。
I don’t really limit myself to a specific genre, and I think my mood plays a significant role. I listen to hip-hop or pop, depending on how I feel on a particular day. Whether I’m upbeat or sad, it varies based on my current mood.
Q: 能否分享以何種方式創作音樂?從哪裡獲取靈感?
Can you share the ways in which you create music and where you find inspiration?
A: 我的音樂創作過程沒有特別特殊的方法,所以沒有太多可以解釋的。然而,靈感來自於我在不同地方的感受,我將這些經歷和情感儲存為回憶,以供日後創作時參考。
There’s nothing particularly special about my composition process, so there’s not much to explain in terms of method. However, inspiration comes from what I feel when I go to different places, and I store those experiences and emotions as memories to draw upon later.
Q: 您能分享一下這次演出的曲目和表演的概念嗎?是否有一些特別的驚喜或亮點?
Can you share the setlist and concept for your upcoming performance? Are there any special surprises or highlights?
A: 雖然演出時間很短,但我仍然盡力為我的演出打造了一個強烈的概念,並精選了《Still Blue》的曲目。
The performance time was too short, but I still tried my best to create a strong concept for my show by curating the ‘Still Blue’ setlist.
Q: 在台灣的粉絲們對您的音樂非常期待,您對於台灣的音樂市場有什麼看法或計劃嗎?
Taiwanese fans are eagerly anticipating your music. What are your thoughts on the music market in Taiwan, and do you have any plans related to it?
A: 非常感謝大家的喜愛和支持。如果有機會,我非常樂意與來自台灣的歌手合作。
Thank you so much for the love and support. If the opportunity arises, I would love to collaborate with artists from Taiwan.
Q: 近期有沒有新的音樂計劃或專輯發布的消息可以和粉絲分享?
Do you have any upcoming music projects or album releases that you can share with your fans?
A: 是的,新音樂將於8月和9月發行。目前我正在製作Afrobeats音樂,之後還會嘗試全新的音樂風格,請大家拭目以待!
Yes, new music is scheduled to be released in August and September. I’m working on Afrobeats for now, and after that, I’m working on a completely different sound, so please look forward to it!
Q: 您是否有計劃在未來與其他音樂家或歌手合作?如果有,有沒有一個夢想的合作對象?
Are there any plans to collaborate with other musicians or singers in the future? If so, is there a dream collaboration partner?
A: 我希望能與各種不同風格的藝術家合作,但我特別希望能和Keshi合作。我已經製作了一首歌,希望能與他合作。
I want to work with many different kinds of artists, but I really want to collaborate with Keshi. I already made a song that I want to work with him.
Q: 您認為全球暖化是當前最重要的環境問題之一嗎?對於這個議題有什麼看法?
Do you consider global warming to be one of the most significant environmental issues today? What are your thoughts on this topic?
A: 我非常擔心全球暖化,所以我正在盡我所能遵守規則和指引,為拯救地球出一份力。
I’m really worried, so I’m trying my best to follow the rules and guidelines to save the Earth.
Q: 如果您能向粉絲們發出一個愛地球的行動呼籲,您會分享什麼內容或信息?
If you could make an appeal to your fans for an action to love the Earth, what content or information would you share?
A: 讓我們在問題變得更嚴重之前採取行動。我們可以一起共同做到!
Let’s take action before it becomes more serious. We can all do it together!